Saturday, 17 May 2008

Best cities for short trips

The latest fashion includes short trips in the "city break" style - or the "tours of one city". As their name states, the city breaks suppose short trips for several days, as a rule 2-4, and are targeted to reveal the sights of one or another city.The Conde Nast Traveller journal has composed a list of eight cities that suit best for short trips: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Mumbai, New-York, Paris and Vancouver. Of course, it depends on the place of living of the tourist. For example, a European tourist would not fly to New-York, Mumbai or Vancouver for less than five days. Besides, there are other cities that are quite suitable for a "city break" style trip. For example, London, Prague, Venice, Budapest and Madrid. But the ideal ones are those mentioned in the rating.According to the experts, city breaks - is a very promising touristic branch that will be actively developing in the nearest times.

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